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Runescape Bot End


Well we have all heard the rumor about the new bot nuke that should happen "next week or so as many say" . Whats do you think how long will it take the bots to get back up after the nuke and also what bots do you think will end for good ??

In my opinion i would have to say that its probably going to take about 3-4 months of hard work to get the bot running again which we all know that people that make the bots will not spend that much time on them .Probably the fastest bots to get back up and running are going to be does color bots Simba/ Scar. As for which bot will end i cant really say Epic and Powerbot are 50/50 because it took them a really long time to get back on like months and months of waiting.


Onyx user!
bot nuke has happened 2 times in the past.MAJOR BOT NUKES
We are still botting today...
keep calm,and trust developers.


Pichu™ said:
bot nuke has happened 2 times in the past.MAJOR BOT NUKES
We are still botting today...
keep calm,and trust developers.

yeah i get you im currently botting my lvl 3 :'( i need some scripts but all the good ones are premium and i cant download epic bot for some reason 0.0


Onyx user!
Well, they always brag about bot nuke, and we still bot, fact is that they can't kill botting, we alway come back.
And Fox, use Powerbot.org, they have alot of free scripts, also free scripts that makes you earn alot ;) And can run up to 18-24 hours.


N5E said:
Well, they always brag about bot nuke, and we still bot, fact is that they can't kill botting, we alway come back.
And Fox, use Powerbot.org, they have alot of free scripts, also free scripts that makes you earn alot ;) And can run up to 18-24 hours.
That is true they do brag about it and bots do come back again . As for powerbot im looking for a script to make some money but i cant find anything good thats the thing all the good scripts are premium as i can see.


Onyx user!
Well , wilderness looter is good for cash, made me 1M over a night, just collecting sharks and stuff. And their wc scripts are pretty stable, as their safebox cracker is good and stable to, their are alot good money making scripts.


Onyx user!
Nukes are no match for our young developers minds filled with sugar, and porn. We shall prevail against any and all nukes.


Zain said:
Nukes are no match for our young developers minds filled with sugar, and porn. We shall prevail against any and all nukes.

We probably will prevail but that's going to take some time to get it running again . My friend and i wanted to make a bot then i quit on the idea . This nuke will probably last the longest because of the EOC there is a lot of work to be done .


Power member.
Fox™ said:
N5E said:
Well, they always brag about bot nuke, and we still bot, fact is that they can't kill botting, we alway come back.
And Fox, use Powerbot.org, they have alot of free scripts, also free scripts that makes you earn alot ;) And can run up to 18-24 hours.
That is true they do brag about it and bots do come back again . As for powerbot im looking for a script to make some money but i cant find anything good thats the thing all the good scripts are premium as i can see.

There was a free flipping bot. Not sure if it is still up there or not.

As for the bot nuke, it would probably mess up all the bots. But they always come back. Not sure how long it would take. I think switching Runescape from java to html would cause more damage to bots though, but not sure when that is going to happen.


Onyx user!
Deathcrow said:
Fox™ said:
N5E said:
Well, they always brag about bot nuke, and we still bot, fact is that they can't kill botting, we alway come back.
And Fox, use Powerbot.org, they have alot of free scripts, also free scripts that makes you earn alot ;) And can run up to 18-24 hours.
That is true they do brag about it and bots do come back again . As for powerbot im looking for a script to make some money but i cant find anything good thats the thing all the good scripts are premium as i can see.

There was a free flipping bot. Not sure if it is still up there or not.

As for the bot nuke, it would probably mess up all the bots. But they always come back. Not sure how long it would take. I think switching Runescape from java to html would cause more damage to bots though, but not sure when that is going to happen.

The game is and is likely to always be made with Java.